hello, world!

hey you.. its been too long since the last time I write..

A lot of things changing and happening in my life… so please let me introduce you to the new ME!!  

So, here is what happening since my last post (December 2016). I met a really nice & lovely guy in the beginning of 2015, we talked for more than 3 hours in our first meeting.. one date leads to many others, and finally on August 2015 we decided to tie the knot! 💒

Long story short, we have been married for 1,5 years now.. and it’s been awesome!! He is the most caring, supportive & understanding guy.. I couldn’t ask for better!

One thing I know for sure from all of this soulmate-searching experiences I’ve been going through is that you should never give up on your hopes, and never settle for less.

As a woman, we have the right to have our own criteria of men.. (by criteria I mean something like a personality and not material related things). And nobody need to know our criteria, but us and God. I’ve been telling myself that one of my few criteria is that I want someone without children. I don’t mind if he’d married before, but I cannot date someone with kid. I love children, but I just cannot picture myself as a stepmother. So, I pray to God, please send me someone single with no children, and praise the Lord,He hear my prayers! 🙂 So what I’m trying to say for single woman out there who is looking for a partner, make your criteria and believe wholeheartedly that you will find the one you’ve been waiting for 🙂

I sincerely hope many of us can experience the joy of being in a healthy and wonderful relationship with someone that we really love 🙂




hey girl.. meet the slow-fader…

Slow fade (urban dictionary):

Function: verb
lacking in readiness, or willingness to accept a budding relationship therefore, institutes this passive aggressive method of disappearing from a relationship all together over an extended period of time

In simple terms, a slow fader is someone who doesn´t have the guts to tell the person he/she is dating “hey, honesty I´m not that into you” and take the low move of disappearing slowly but sure to thin air. the progress can be slow or drastic, he/she can start answering your text really late, never have time to meet up, too busy with everything and gradually loosing contact.. or he/she can just stop all forms of contact suddenly and become untraceable.

No matter what form it took, it left the dumpee anxious, wondering, agonizing about the situation.. some of them would question even blame themselves while others would start cursing the dumper on his/her cowardly act before they can finally grasp the real condition and let go..

I always thought that this kind of act would only happen in immature teenage relationship or at least when the people involved are in their early 20s. Not that I´m saying when you hit 30 you will automatically become super mature and wise, but at least you are not supposed to be in your self-absorbed and careless phase anymore.. or so I thought…

Apparently, many people still enjoy being a slow-fader.. because they managed to convince themselves that it is a nice thing to do.. save both of you a great deal of awkwardness of doing the “I´m not into you talk” and doesn´t have to feel guilty to see the sadness in your date´s face during the talk.. it is just a perfect move!

The slow-fader convinced that it is a common understanding that reduced (to none) contact means “I really don´t want you..get off my life, you biatch!” and surely every single person should understand that, don´t you?!

eerrr.. I say no!

I´ve seen a few of slow-fader´s “victims” around me and how they felt confused. yup, you are not sparing their feelings, slow-faders! instead you throw them into  days of confusion, wondering what the heck is happening?! slow fading took time.. days, weeks even months.. and during those process the agony continues..

Maybe my mind is too simple, but why don´t you save those precious time.. instead of answering reluctantly to every messages, giving excuses to every plans and/or other delaying or slow-fading moves you make.. just say it out loud the moment you feel that you´re not into that person, “hey girl/boy, it´s been great but lets call the whole thing off cause I´m not that into you” as simple as that! Well, don´t say it literally like what I´ve written above, choose your words carefully, but the bottom line, say it, so they would understand your position.

Is it rude? too direct? or even hurtful? probably for some people.. but certainly it´s more fair, mature and respectful to do that. Sadness caused by broken heart would heal in a few days, while the agony of slow-fading can last longer, weeks even months.. so, who is being cruel, now? the straightforward gentleman or the slow-faders?

Last words for slow faders out there.. please get your balls, oops I mean act together, and man (or girl) up! Respect people if you want to be respected.. that is the least you can do 🙂

I Do… but only…

Relationship and commitment.. two things that cannot be separated. You cannot have a relationship without making commitment, and you cannot make a commitment without being in a relationship. No, I´m not talking about love relationship only, it is applicable in all relationship… between parents and children, colleagues, friends and of course lovers.

When you decided to enter a relationship with a certain person, you have to realise the commitment that you´re going to take. The responsibility that you will have and the sacrifice that you have to make… relationship is not about the good thing only.. its not just the fun time, the romance, the intimacy and all the beautiful things in it.. but it also means pain, betrayal, disappointment, hurt, unfairness and forgiveness. 

No, I am not an expert in relationship.. hey, I don´t even have a boyfriend now (yes, I´m looking, by the way :D) but what I do know is that it took a lot of effort to maintain a relationship and certainly if you don´t have a strong commitment, it will not last..

But what if the problem is in your partner? what if he cannot give what you need? what if he doesn´t want to change? is it ok, just to end the relationship and go your own separate ways? then what is the meaning of commitment?

can you say: I Do… but only if…

*fill in the blank with all the terms and conditions you want*

No..commitment is a commitment.. no matter how bad the situation end up, you just have to deal with it..

I’m an old fashioned girl, I took commitment very seriously and I’ll try my best to keep it.. and I hope I can do it… 🙂

it all started with a cup of coffee..

Here i am, sitting in a corner of a coffee shop.. finished my coffee minutes ago, but i just stay here and sit.
I look at the busy street out there, cars come and go one by one., people walk along the pavement right outside the shop, hurrying to go somewhere.. probably cannot wait to be home with their family, or maybe a christmas party with friends for the single people out there.. or probably heading to the shopping center for a christmas gifts shopping, since its only 4 days to christmas eve…

Here I am, sitting in the corner of a coffee shop… feeling at ease.. no, it’s not because something that had happened today, it’s not because I’m happy with my life, it’s not even because I’m in love.. but somehow I feel peace.. no worries.. nothing.. yes, I feel nothing..

Here I am, sitting in the corner of a coffee shop… thinking about my life. Thinking how in the world I get to this lowest point of my life?
To this jobless, no-relationship, stagnant-study-progress situation?? And be at ease about it… Where am I going from here?

Here I am, sitting in the corner of a coffee shop…deciding that I need to do something. I have to stop being a scared little girl.. afraid to do everything, and finally reached nothing. I have been settling with nothingness for too long.. convinced myself that it’s ok to be scared to face the world. Keep saying to myself that I cannot do it on my own and I need someone to help me..
Now I realized sometimes you just need to man up! Take the brave step and maybe you’ll be surprised.. yes, failure is a risk but on the other hand you might just get the success thet you’ve been dreaming of.. so, just do it!

(apparently) he loves me not…

Yup, it´s an update on my first blog here.. and here I am, with an answer… you obviously know the answer already (of course, somehow I managed to made it pretty clear on my blog title :p) but yeah..

I actually found out around a month ago.. finally I find my courage and send him an email “confessing” my feeling to him.. and it did not go the way I want it to.. well, I don´t really expect anything, but deep down inside somehow there´s a hope that he will feel the same.. but he did not 😦

Sad? yeah.. but I´ll get over him.. when I think about it, somehow I´m happy that I did it, that I express my feeling and accept the rejection with a smile.. I smile, because I know I´ve changed. This is a big thing for me, my old me would´t let myself express any feelings to anyone.. specially when I´m not sure about the other´s feelings towards me.. I HATE rejection.. I can´t stand it.. I will feel sad and stupid and unworthy.

how-to-deal-with-rejection1 rejection

Guess I´ve grown up.. I realised that rejection is a part of life.. is something that you have to experienced in one moment in life.. and you have to go through it with your head up and smile 🙂

Honestly, I have not be able to get over him completely.. guess it takes time to really erase everything from my head (and heart).. but I´m  trying, and someday I will forget ever have this feeling.. 😀

For now, let´s just keep praying and I believe I will find someone, even better than him.. 🙂


when you believe

passion.. do your best.. believe in yourself..

three words that I´ve always heard of and know exactly the meaning, but still I have no idea what I´m going to do with my life. I am what people say all theory/ talk and no action.

I have no plan in my life and nowhere to go. I´m just stuck in the moment 😦

I KNOW that I can´t go on like this.. accepting losses and defeats like it is something OK. watching everyone around me succeed and just be happy for them.. when is my turn?

when will I start to rise up and actually DO SOMETHING!!

yeah, this is a blog to myself.. when one part of me wanting to break free and achieve something while the other part enjoy the laziness and mediocre life 😦

when one part have big dreams, and the other settle for nothing..

when one part want to give out to the community/ people around me but the other just like to accept..

when one part know that I am good enough, but the other accept the losses and think that maybe I am not good enough!

gosh, I have the devil in me, and somehow I have to defeat it!!

I thank the guy in the boat, that says that I am gorgeous and wonderful but I have LOW SELF ESTEEM!! maybe I am.. I don’t know..maybe I just start to think that I am not good enough.. maybe it´s just my way to accept all this rejection, so I can live with it and accept that I am not good enough.. WHICH I AM NOT!!!

I am good enough, I am GREAT!! when people don´t want me, well it´s their lost!

Failures in nailing jobs should not bring me down, maybe I´m just not the person they want me to be.. Yes, I´m awful in interviews.. why? because I´m nervous..  maybe I need to be more confident with myself.. feel comfortable with myself, so people can feel comfortable with me.

I am who I am.. and the only one who can change it is me..


He loves me.. he loves me not..


Counting flowers.. one by one.. yeah, it’s so old-fashioned yet romantic..

Is it worth it to ask the flower? will it give you satisfaction?

How can you tell that he loves you or not.. 

One of the biggest problem for a girl who loves to dream.. they don´t tell people what happen in their head.. they don´t talk, don´t share, they just dream. Everything happens in the head and heart.. even the pain and suffering. They cry alone and wipe their own tears.

And now here I am, falling in love, and just too afraid to say it out loud. Fear of the consequences, what if he doesn’t love me back? what if he laughed at my feeling and throw it away.. what if ???!

But his image stuck in my head, wandering around, bothering me.. I´ve tried to make it go away, but it came back..and stayed there. I´m too old for this, waiting around.. hoping that he will come as a knight in shining armor..

Should I tell him? at least I can think of it as a closure.. to get him off my head..

yeah, guess that’s the right thing to do.. don´t you think?

“it´s better to express rather than to expect, you already have the no take a risk of getting the yes”  

*thinking while watching the last flower petal falling down…
